7th Floor , Dire Dawa Tower | Ethio China Street
7th Floor , Dire Dawa Tower
+251 988 741 461

ASAMPRO 20% Powder

ASAMPRO 20% Powder


Each g contains:

Amprolium HCL BPV………………………….20 % w/w



ASAMPRO 20% is indicated for the treatment & control of caecal and intestinal coccidiosis in poultry caused by Eimeriatenella, E. maxima, E. brunetti, E. mitis& E. acervulina


ASAMPRO 20% can be administered through drinking water


Mild Outbreak: 5 g of ASAMPRO 20% per 8 liters of drinking water for 5-7 days

Severe Outbreak: 5 g of ASAMPRO 20% per 4 liters of drinking water for 5-7 days

Use only medicated water during the treatment. No other source of water should be provided during the treatment

Calves, Goats & Sheep:

Prevention: 5 mg/kg body weight or 1 g of ASAMPRO 20% per 40 kg body weight, through drinking water or milk for 21 days

Treatment: 10 mg/kg body weight or 1 g of ASAMPRO 20% per 20 kg for 5 days


Sachet of 5 g, 25 g, 100 g & Jar of 1 Kg

Category: Poultry

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